Read reviews of Fixed

Fixed: Dope sacks, dye packs, and the long welcome back

buy Fixed on AmazonFixed: Dope sacks, dye packs and the long welcome back
by Doug Piotter

Fixed is a darkly comedic memoir that spans my unsupervised youth, drug and alcohol addiction, bank robbery, life in prison and ultimately my release and re-entry into my life’s new and sober orbit.

With the perspective gained from more than two decades of sobriety, I give an accounting of my debauched life with humor and irreverence.

I grew up with alcoholic parents trapped inside their own lonely skins, a painful childhood full of cold shoulders and broken furniture. I burst onto the drug scene at age eleven and thrived before slowly finding out that it wasn’t all that it was cracked up to be. With addiction taking over and dictating my every move, I tried to make sense of it all while gathering five unwanted felonies along the way.

At thirty-three, after a long string of bank robberies and my bad guy impersonation had run its course, I was brought back to life with the gift of prison and given the opportunity to experience a new childhood that I could have only imagined while growing up in Manville. Upon release, I learned that the universe is a kind and forgiving place, often strange and funny with plenty for everyone as long as I don’t forget where I came from.

To purchase your copy of Fixed,  Click here

5 thoughts on “Read reviews of Fixed

  1. ed kuschner

    Thank you for your courage to reveal your past and present. A “colorful journey” is an understatement for any and all survivors of the 70’s and 80’s. I will always cherish my signed copy of “Fixed”. Please keep writing!


  2. Barb Noonan

    Doug, Thank you for writing this tale of a life I never even had to comprehend. Working as an artist in Pioneer Square I pass people every day, no clue as to their background or story and can only hope to appreciate them even more.

    Your book awards are deserving. This is not only enlightening to read but funny, honest, easy and educational.

    I’m only on page 92 but can’t wait till you and Terrell come by my studio again so I can thank you in person.

    I am in my easy chair as you wrote in the inscription and it scares and disheartens me to realize how much love is needed and yet how oblivious I am.

    Thank you for the eye opener.

    Ok. Gotta go, I have a lot more to read…..


  3. David Dixon

    Dear Doug: /as a forensic clinical psychologist your book intrigued me and learned a few things …even after 25 years part time in the King County and othe jails. The one big difference for me, was, when I pushed the button they let me out…even if at times and hour or two later.Highly entertaining, mixed with brutal honesty, I will recommend your book to many over the ensuing years. You give hope for many… even those for whom like yourself we celebrate a miracle in recovering. Congratulations on your life, which is now yours, and a great book. I look forward to meeting some day soon. David


  4. Kathleen

    Just finished your book and I loved it. Have been out of prison for 2 years and have almost parallel experiences as yours. Raised in Bothell, currently living in West Seattle. I laughed out loud so many times in reading your book because I too remember similar situations in my addiction. Thank you for sharing the good, the bad, and the ugly reality of addiction and the desperate paths it leads us down. Your story is truly inspiring and one many of us share. Thank you for a well written hilarious and touching memoir which leaves me with one thought everyday all day, I am so thankful to not be that person today. Namaste


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