started this blog as a vehicle for My book Fixed: Dope sacks, dye packs and the long welcome back, which has gained a little bit of traction in its short, self-published life. But, what has happened in the interim? In part, a rhetorical question. The whole country got the D.Ts with no cure in sight. But …

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Brain Under Construction

Not since Napoleon have the French administered such a decisive defeat. Today they walloped me. I surrendered in class and laid down my books with a fart and a whimper. Agitated, my muttering bubbled up into a full-on proclamation. I lost my shit, "I CAN"T DO THIS!" The class collectively parked their language skills in …

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I’m in kindergarten, They Can’t Put Me Back

Bonjour, mes amis! It's Douglas—phonetically pronounced Dooglaw—checking in from Paris. Learning a language is très difficile. Now I know what it feels like to be a baby, as it relates to language, that is. I'm learning all the time. I've just received confirmation, that, "vous êtes une chauve-souris," I'm bald as a bat. After looking in the …

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